Tag Archives: advertising

An open magazine with an eyeglass on top of it in a very comfortable sofa with 3 pillows near a breathtaking view of a mountains by a window

We’ve all, at one time or another, lusted over beautiful, glossy property adverts in Country Life, or the Sunday papers. Those lovely images of stately English homes, viewed over fields bordered by horse chestnut trees, with the odd thoroughbred grazing in the foreground for good measure. The interiors resemble five star hotels, and look impossibly elegant for normal family life.  As we leaf onwards, turning over page after page of gorgeous houses, the properties get smaller, and more and more modest in price, concluding eventually with much more ordinary properties at around half a million pounds or less.

So who places these adverts? And more importantly, who pays for them?

Well, that would very much depend on whether your home is better suited to the first few glossy pages, or something you would expect to see towards the end of the publication.

Let’s start with the large country piles. If you’re lucky enough to have a veritable rural palace, to choose your agent, you may very well peruse the property pages of one of these glossies, and choose your agent based on their name (perceived reputation) and also their presence (size and quantities of adverts) in the magazine. So you engage your chosen agent, and delighted with the opportunity to market your very prestigious house, they generously offer to fund an advertising campaign at their own expense.  You happily agree, and show off to your family and friends when your property is prominently featured in Country Life. Lovely.

If you’re not fortunate enough to own a country pile, but instead have rather a nice townhouse in the suburbs, you may still choose an agent based on his adverts, but there is one fundamental difference to the service you will receive from him. He won’t be offering to cover the expense of a print advertising campaign. Instead, he will offer you an advert in one of the aspirational magazines you have been enjoying, but you’ll have to pay for it. Why? Because – and here’s the shocking truth – print advertising doesn’t sell houses.

So why do the agents pay for the lovely big houses to be featured? Easy – it’s to attract new sellers of lovely big houses! Print advertising is merely there to win new instructions. Now there are plenty of estate agents out there who would challenge my view, but I can tell you that in the decade I’ve been running HomeTruths, not one of our 400 clients has ever sold their home from a print advert!

If your agent offers you a print advert, say thank you, and accept. If he starts talking about you paying for it, say this to him: “If you’re confident it will make a difference in selling my house – you pay for it”.


If you’d like my help to sell your home more effectively, please answer a few short questions here and if I think I can help you, I’ll be in touch.

An bedroom with a white bed, a wooden nightstand, an alarm clock and a white lamp over it.

An bedroom with a white bed, a wooden nightstand, an alarm clock and a white lamp over it.

Estate agents have it bad these days, (you ask them). Not enough houses coming to the market; not enough buyers registering; over-optimistic sellers; over-cautious buyers. They’re competing for the best properties, and slashing fees to secure the instruction.  Where 2% was once achieveable in most areas, even the better agents are reluctantly shaking vendor’s hands at 1.25% to list a £500,000 property. But then what happens? They can’t afford to produce one of their lovely, ‘Country Life’ style brochures – the client gets four fuzzy sheets from the office printer. That fabulous professional photographer is ditched in favour of ‘Sean our junior negotiator who got a nice little camera for Christmas’.  And print advertising?  Forgot it – way too expensive.

Before you start feeling sorry for our hard-up estate agent in his two-year-old BMW 7 Series. He’s doing ok – it’s the admin lady, and the viewing reps that’ll really feel the knife.  And not to mention the vendor, unable to attract even investors with his sorry excuse for a marketing campaign, if you can even call it that.

Stop!  It doesn’t have to be like that!  Our first rule at HomeTruths, is pay the agent what he’s worth.  If we’ve selected the agency, I can tell you that he’ll be worth every penny of the 1.75% or more, he’ll be charging you.  And for that, you’ll get stunning professional photography, a gorgeous glossy brochure with detailed (and accurate) floorplan, his best attention including, where possible, accompanied viewings by one of the partners or senior managers. After all, you’ll be paying for it in commission, and we’re going to make sure that you get the best service possible.

So, before you jump in to hard-nosed negotations with your potential agent, stop and think. Then call Sam. Because our agents don’t cut corners, at least, not on my watch.

Kitchen image courtesy of www.homesandgardens.com

If you’d like my help to sell your home more effectively, please answer a few short questions here and if I think I can help you, I’ll be in touch.