Make yourself comfortable for the night

Ancient Chinese treatises mention as the main poses for sleeping on the right side and on the left side. The Chinese believed that it was most useful to roll from side to side in a dream, alternately relaxing the nervous system (on the right side) and facilitating the digestive process (on the left side). It was considered harmful to sleep like a corpse - face up, and crouching to the ground – face down. Modern science refutes such ancient Chinese advice.
Sleep on your back.
Experts cite the following evidence of the benefits of sleeping in this position: relaxation of the limbs, unloading of the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, relaxation of the facial muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, smoothing wrinkles. Thanks to sleeping on your back, digestion improves. This pose is recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases. A prerequisite for sleeping in this position is to fix the neck in an even position. It is better to use an orthopedic pillow, otherwise the chin will rest against the chest, the vertebral arteries will give up, blood flow will be disrupted. Such a dream will end with a headache and a bad complexion. Sleeping on the back is shown to everyone except pregnant women at a late stage and those suffering from apnea (stopping breathing during sleep). The benefits of sleeping face up have a beneficial effect on male potency, as the genitals are better supplied with blood.
Sleep on the side.
This pose is recommended for pregnant women at a late stage, as well as snoring in their sleep. At the same time, the legs should not be tucked to the chest, otherwise the spine will be tense. For lovers of sleeping on their side, it is better to use special foot pillows placed between the knees. In this position, the spine is unloaded and tension in the hip joints is relieved. But it is not recommended to sleep on your side all night, otherwise your arm or leg will go numb. Sleep researchers have established a link between urolithiasis and sleeping on the side – 75% of people sleeping in this position had kidney stones.
Evidence. According to research by British psychologists, 50% of Englishmen sleep on their side in the fetal position. If you prefer to sleep on your side on a string, then most likely you have a domineering character, if you sleep more often with your arms outstretched, then you are a perfectionist.
Sleep on your stomach.
Regarding this pose, the opinion of scientists is unequivocal – such a dream is harmful. Only in rare cases, for a short time, it is possible to lie down for the night in such a position for those suffering from flatulence, after childbirth to reduce the uterus and for children with colic. When sleeping on the stomach, the head is turned to the side, the shoulder and neck muscles are tense, the blood supply to the brain worsens, due to lack of oxygen there is a chance to wake up with a headache, the face often swells and bags under the eyes appear. Scientists have also found a connection between nightmares and sleeping postures. According to the sample, the majority of subjects who prefer sleeping on their stomachs are more likely to have nightmares. Our mixer your anonymity at a max as each bitcoin transaction is very hard to trace.