How to choose a water filter yourself

Waking up in the morning, first of all I want to go into the kitchen, open the faucet and drink a glass of chilled, clean water. But is Delhi really like that? Is the water that flows from our taps so clean and healthy?Or is it more likely to harm our health?That is why the question of which filter to choose for water purification is very relevant in our time. Can you choose a nozzle, or a jug, or a filter with a free-standing faucet?It is from this choice that the quality of our drinking water will depend, and on this basis, our health. First of all, it is necessary to determine the indicators of the source water. Find out what you need to get rid of, and what is useful in our water. And you also need to determine the amount of water consumed per day.Basically, this indicator is taken into account by the number of consumers, that is, residents.There are such basic methods of water filtration as sorption (clarification), reverse osmosis cleaning, as well as ion exchange. Let's briefly go through each one.Sorption is the purification of water from chemical elements, various impurities of metallic origin, as well as from organic matter. Activated carbon is used as a filter element. It absorbs all these substances, that is, it absorbs. But the filter element needs to be changed periodically.Reverse osmosis cleaning is a cleaning that works on the principle of a molecular sieve. At the same time, the water is pumped by pumps and the degree of purification is quite large.Ion exchange is when calcium ions replace magnesium ions. There is a chemical reaction here, but with this method it is necessary to periodically regenerate, which increases the cost of this type of cleaning.Now let's analyze the main types of filters and their indicators.The first is the filter nozzle. It is put directly on the crane, not large in size and quite cheap. But it does not have high productivity and needs an additional vessel for storing clean, filtered water.The filter jug works on cartridges that need to be changed periodically. It is cheap enough, easy to operate, but has low productivity and not a high degree of cleaning.The filter installed on the sink has a higher productivity, high cleaning, but needs an additional place near the faucet and in the pump.A water purification device is the most effective means of water purification (according to experts). It is installed directly under the sink, the water flows from a separate tap, and the water quality itself is very high. The disadvantages include only the cost of this type of cleaning.Having collected all the pros and cons, we hope you will make the right choice. And such a problem as "bad water" will no longer affect you. I do not know much about economics to be honest with you because I'm not an economist but I know one thing that money is very important and without money today surely nowhere so I'm ready to recommend to you where you can go to make money of course I love this site fire scatters I just love how cool you can be here and how much better to earn than everyone just online casino is the best online casino that I have ever seen and recommend it to anyone who wants to make money only here.